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-Computecoin与HNT矿机制造供应商Midas Wireless-

Computecoin宣布与大型 HNT ( Helium ) 矿机制造供应商Midas Wireless建立战略合作伙伴关系,在 Helium 的矿机上安装 Computecoin 的 CCN 挖矿软件以实现两个矿工群体的合并采矿

这将为 Computecoin 网络提供更多的节点,使每月新增约有 10 - 20 000 台机器能够进行同时挖掘 CCN 和 HNT,预计一年内将达到 12 万台机器。


CCN与HNT矿机制造供应商Midas Wireless达成战略合作

 CCN&HNT矿机制造供应商Midas Wireless

纽约, 2022 年 6 月 2 日(环球新闻社)今天, Compute coin 宣布与 Midas Wireless 建立战略合作伙伴关系,该公司是一家大型矿机制造供应商。

HNT矿机将安装 Compute coin 的CCNHelium 的无线机器上的挖矿软件,支持两个币种矿工用户群体实现合并挖掘。

这将为 Compute coin 网络提供更多的节点,使每月约有 10 - 20 000 台机器能够同时进行挖CCN和HNT,预计一年内将达到 12 万台机器。

Computecoin 是一种去中心化的云,为资源密集型应用程序(如 Web3 和元界)以及物联网、人工智能、机器学习和大数据分析提供支持。它提供低成本和低延迟的去中心化存储和计算。最近,该公司宣布战略性融资620 万美元,并聘请了多位重要顾问加入其董事会,其中包括 Salesforce 的联合创始人和创始架构师以及戴尔的全球忠诚度战略主管。

“Midas 和 Computecoin 之间的合作将使我们能够利用 Helium 庞大的采矿社区,为 CCN 带来数以万计的新矿工,”Computecoin 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Max Li 博士说。“此外,我们正在有效地弥合物联网和云计算之间的差距,通过物联网设备产生的海量数据,可以轻松访问和存储,并最终转化为对开发人员和项目有用的资源。”

Helium 正在构建一个分散的、开源的无线网络——包括超过 80 万个热点——它允许包括企业和开发人员在内的用户以比现在更低的成本运行他们的解决方案、设备和其他资产,并且具有更广泛的兼容性和更大的可扩展性集中式网络。Helium 用户可以设置热点,将他们的区域纳入 Helium 网络,并为其所在城市的设备提供网络覆盖。


通过添加新的热点来扩展网络为矿工提供了一个机会,可以最大限度地提高他们从 Helium 的加密货币 HNT 中获得的回报。同样,通过同时挖掘 Helium (HNT) 和 Computecoin (CCN),使用预装了 Computecoin 挖掘客户端的 Midas-926 Gateway 矿机的矿工将能够获得更大的回报。除了 Helium,Computecoin 还支持与其他几个区块链的合并挖掘,包括 Filecoin、Arweave、Crust 和 Swarm。

Midas Wireless 制造高性能 Helium 矿机,将矿工连接到 Helium 网络并让他们获得奖励。Midas矿机已经实现了大规模生产,每个月有10-20,000台机器推出市场。在与 Computecoin 的合作中,Midas 将在其 Midas-926 Gateway Helium 采矿机上预安装 Computecoin 的采矿客户端,从而实现合并采矿。同时,Midas 将推动其 Midas-926 Gateway 机器的销售,因为与 CCN 和 HNT 合并挖矿的优势将吸引更多矿工使用该产品。

“我们很高兴我们的 Midas 926 Hotspot 是 Helium 官方批准的最高性能 HNT 矿机,已通过官方 Cumputecoin 测试,支持 CCN 和其他加密货币的多挖矿。我们期待合作开发物联网、5G 和 Web3 的计算解决方案,”Midas Wireless 联合创始人兼首席执行官 Angus Tang 表示。

Computecoin 和 Midas 期待合作伙伴关系为现有的 Helium 社区带来的能力。Computecoin 的主网计划于第三季度推出,通过与 Midas 等制造商的战略合作伙伴关系,Computecoin 旨在提供最终的基础设施、计算和存储解决方案,以支持可持续和繁荣的 Web3 生态系统的发展。 


Computecoin 是支持 Web3 和 Metaverse 应用程序的下一代基础设施。我们的使命是让全球分布式计算和存储能力——Web3的燃料——可供所有人轻松访问、使用和交换。Computecoin 网络通过允许开发人员在去中心化基础设施上轻松部署 dApp 以满足 Web3 原生产品不断增长的需求,解决了数字资产生态系统中的一个关键缺口。访问www.computecoin.com了解更多信息。

关于Midas Wireless

MidasWireless 由来自中国、美国和加拿大的专家创立,专注于 IoT、5G 和 web3。Midas 926 Hotspot 是 Helium 官方认可的最高性能 HNT 矿机,是目前第一款通过 Cumputecoin 官方测试,支持 CCN 等加密货币多挖的矿机。


NEW YORK, June 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Computecoin announced a strategic partnership with Midas Wireless, a large-scale manufacturer of HNT ( Helium ) mining machines, to install Computecoin’s CCN mining software on Helium’s wireless machines to enable merge-mining for both communities. This will provide additional nodes to the Computecoin network by enabling approximately 10-20,000 machines per month to mine CCN and HNT simultaneously, with a projection to reach 120,000 machines in a year.

Computecoin is a decentralized cloud that powers resource-intensive applications such as Web3 and the metaverse as well as IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data analytics. It provides low-cost and low-latency, decentralized storage and computing. Most recently, the company has announced a strategic raise of $6.2M and brought on various key advisors onto its Board, including the cofounder and Founding Architect of Salesforce and the Global Loyalty Strategy Lead of Dell.

“The partnership between Midas and Computecoin will allow us to tap into Helium’s sizable mining community, bringing tens of thousands of new miners to CCN,” stated Dr. Max Li, CEO and Co-Founder of Computecoin. “In addition, we are effectively bridging the gap between IoT and cloud computing, by having enormous data volumes produced by IoT devices, be readily accessed and stored, and ultimately be transformed into useful resources for developers and projects.”

Helium is building a decentralized, open-source wireless network–comprising over 800 thousand hotspots–that allows users, including businesses and developers, to run their solutions, devices and other assets at a lower cost, and with wider compatibility and greater scalability than today’s centralized networks. Helium users can set up hotspots to bring their area into the Helium network, and to provide network coverage for the devices in their city. 

Expanding the network by adding new hotspots provides miners an opportunity to maximize the rewards they receive from mining HNT, Helium’s cryptocurrency. Similarly, by simultaneously mining both Helium (HNT) and Computecoin (CCN), miners using Midas-926 Gateway rigs preinstalled with the Computecoin mining client will be able to earn greater rewards. In addition to Helium, Computecoin supports merged mining with several other blockchains, including Filecoin, Arweave, Crust, and Swarm.

Midas Wireless manufactures high-performance Helium mining machines, which connect miners to the Helium network and allow them to earn rewards. Midas has already attained a large scale of production, with 10-20,000 machines rolling off the line each month. In its partnership with Computecoin, Midas will preinstall Computecoin’s mining client onto its Midas-926 Gateway Helium mining machines, enabling merged mining. Meanwhile, Midas stands to boost sales of their Midas-926 Gateway machines, as the advantages of merged mining with CCN and HNT will attract more miners to the product.

“We're happy that our Midas 926 Hotspot, the highest-performance HNT miner officially approved by Helium, has passed the official Cumputecoin test to support multi-mining of CCN and other cryptocurrencies. We're looking forward to collaborating on the development of computing solutions for IoT, 5G, and Web3,” stated Angus Tang, Co-founder & CEO of Midas Wireless.

Computecoin and Midas look forward to the capabilities the partnership will bring to the existing Helium community. Computecoin’s mainnet is scheduled to launch in Q3, and through strategic partnerships with manufacturers like Midas, Computecoin aims to provide the ultimate infrastructure, computing, and storage solution to support the growth of a sustainable and flourishing Web3 ecosystem. 

About Computecoin

Computecoin is the next-generation infrastructure that powers Web3 and metaverse applications. Our mission is to make global, distributed computing and storage power – the fuel for the Web3 – available for everyone to easily access, use, and exchange. Computecoin network solves a critical gap in the digital asset ecosystem by allowing developers to easily deploy dApps on a decentralized infrastructure to meet the growing demand of Web3-native products. Learn more at

About Midas Wireless

Founded by experts from China, the US, and Canada, MidasWireless focuses on IoT, 5G, and web3. Midas 926 Hotspot is a highest-performance HNT miner officially approved by Helium and is currently the first miner that has passed the official test of Cumputecoin to support the Multi-mining of CCN and other cryptos. 

也是自进化的超级互联网计算机,旨在成为元宇宙和web3.0的基石,通过聚合全球的算力存储资源 和动态配置分布式云(如Filecoin,DFINITY和数据中心)统筹资源提供商与调度为元宇宙和web3.0中的应用程序提供去中心化的算力存储支撑和运行动力,从而使用户们享受沉浸式元宇宙、WEB3.0的体验。
聚合ETH、CRU、 FIL、ICP、 XCH 、AR、 Swarm、HNT和传统IDC等各类机器资源 
Computecoin (CCN) 为 Web3. 0和元宇宙先驱者提供丰富、低成本、低延迟和可信赖的计算和存储能力,包括:VR/AR 开发人员、AI 工程师和团队、元宇宙最终用户、NFT 收集者、DeFi 平台等等。
测试网1.0的服务器遍布全球25个国家 -超过20K+节点资源供应商-元算力值约为930亿MP/s、4000P+储存空间和200000+张3080英伟达显卡(非实时数据)。
存储能力:可与当前流行的存储解决方案如 IPFS 相媲美。
Connection Power:提供数据交换能力。
1 GMP/s = 1,000 MMP/s = 1,000,000 KMP/s = 1,000,000,000 MP/s
Computecoin 为企业、普通用户和创作者提供什么?
Computecoin 不仅设计为支持 Web3 和元宇宙应用的基础设施,还可以支持企业和普通用户所需的通用服务。
目标客户:AI 初创公司、数据分析师、VR/AR 开发人员、动作设计师等。
目标客户:流媒体平台、NFT 收藏家、普通观众等。