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琬点聊丨对话 X Protocol:跨链与 Dapp 聚合 敲门多维元宇宙


11 月 16 日下午,「 琬点聊 」第 42 期在电报群首次直播,本期主题为「 跨链与 DAPP 聚合:X Protocol 敲门多维元宇宙 」,由 Blocklike CEO 小琬对话跨链元宇宙项目方 X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua。


今年,元宇宙成为了一个现象级概念。在这个概念中,区块链领域显现出了积极的推动作用。行业内,从底层设施、中间件、再到应用层,从游戏、社交或 DeFi 等概念,乃至在体育、音乐、商业等方向的参与者,都在不断进场。但目前区块链就应用层面来看,大部分链与链之间由于技术、生态、竞争等难以直接实现链上信息与资产的自由流通。因此带来了用户、应用、数据、状态的割裂,链间「 孤岛效应 」渐显,对推进元宇宙的落地并不利好。


回顾行业解决方案,「 跨链 」技术提出时主要实现的目标场景是链间信息互通、资产流转和应用协同。元宇宙的组成是各次元间的组合,与区块链技术的融合必然少不了跨链技术的支持。可以看到的是,信息和价值共享是推进元宇宙落地的重要前提。因此,将「 跨链 」技术引入元宇宙生态将有着特殊意义。


据悉,X Protocol 是 Polkadot 的原生跨链协议,能够提供去中⼼化、安全、快速的桥接⽅案。基于此,该团队聚焦于高像素交互场景,旨在实现以元宇宙的模式呈现跨链聚合 DAPP,并打造属于他们的 Metaverse 生态。

Jessie Chua 核心观点:

(1) 元宇宙是一个接近现实的沉浸式虚拟世界,也是一个未来的开放式网络世界。这种横跨物理世界和数字世界的做法天然适合区块链技术。



以下为对话原文,由 Blocklike( ID:iblocklike )编辑整理:


小琬:元宇宙当属时下热度最高的行业话题,X Protocol 作为 Polkadot 的跨链协议,早已在元宇宙赛道上有所布局。我们今天邀请到了 X Protocol 团队,请 CMO Jessie Chua 给大家简单介绍一下他们的团队背景和成员经历。


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:大家好! 我是来自 X Protocol 的 Jessie 。我一直在银行和金融技术行业工作。在今年夏天,我接触到了元宇宙这个概念,我认为这是一个科技世界的发展趋势,因此加入了 X Protocol ,担任 CMO 。X Protocol 的团队中,三分之二的伙伴是开发人员。其余的伙伴是从事运营和市场营销工作。


小琬:最近很多传统机构和互联网大厂都进军元宇宙试图构建他们心中的元宇宙世界,Facebook 甚至因此改名为「 Mate 」。那 X Protocol 作为区块链领域原生项目,你们心中想构造的元宇宙是什么样的?有什么特殊的含义或者概念吗?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua: 元宇宙是一个接近现实的沉浸式虚拟世界,也是一个未来的开放式网络世界。这种横跨物理世界和数字世界的做法天然适合区块链技术。由于数字对象、内容和知识产权可以在元宇宙中流动,区块链技术不仅可以用于用户数据,而且还可以让用户和公司创造内容和商品,进而使其蓬勃发展。更重要的是,区块链技术还可以在元宇宙中创建一个与现实世界相联系的全面运作的经济系统。


因此,我们决定建立一个以区块链技术为基础协议的元宇宙, X Protocol 的元宇宙就这样诞生了。


小琬:想必大家有看过 X Protocol 视频,在体验的流畅度、视觉动效方面,X Protocol 做足了功课,想请 Jessie Chua 为大家介绍下,你们是如何打造这个元宇宙平台的?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:我们想给用户创造一个最为真实的虚拟世界,因此在元宇宙的表层和里层都下了很大的功夫。

(1)表层:元宇宙的交互系统和界面经过多次测试,目前已达到可上线的标准。用户可以在內进行完整的体验操作。同时,也有部分 DAPP 加入,以及 NFT 艺术家的协助,让整个体验环闭合,用户可以最大限度地完成自己的目标。

(2)里层:我们给元宇宙准备了完整的背景故事,来增加用户的代入感。用户将以「 新世界预言者 」的身份,肩负着延续旧地球人类文明的使命,在新的宇宙星球上进行探索。


小琬:元宇宙的概念不断地在发展和发酵,但是在实现用户心中「 头号玩家 」的场景过程中,还有很多问题待解决,比如基础建设、比如元宇宙身份的切换、比如场景的体验,请问 X Protocol 面对这些问题,有什么解决方案吗?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:X Protocol 以 RUST 语言为开发核心,围绕 波卡 和Solana 的生态,同时包含协议层和应用层的元宇宙项目。通过在元宇宙内自行开发DAPP 获取种子流量,并为第三方 DAPP 提供 0 门槛接入元宇宙的技术方案,丰富后期的项目生态。在波卡和 Solana 公链的元宇宙赛道中,目前是技术最成熟,社区最活跃、生态内容最丰富的一个。



应用层:建造 X-Metaverse 元宇宙游戏场景,并自行开发了预测市场、跨链 NFT 市场、跨链机枪池等 DAPP 作为 Metaverse 的基础设施。每个 DAPP 都有域名可以单独体验。同时通过出售地块的模式,让第三方 DAPP 低成本高效率地迁移到元宇宙领域,也让 X-Metaverse 的应用生态更丰富。




X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:X Protocol 以把元宇宙作为载体、插槽作为土地、DAPP 作为建筑的方式,把整个跨链生态进行可视化的处理,让用户更加直观地参与到区块链产品中。而在这个基础上,想要使产品更完整,客观上就需要更多的用户加入。如何吸引用户加入,其中一方面就是要丰富元宇宙的生态,这也是在提高元宇宙的趣味性和可玩性。


在吸引项目方入驻丰富生态这一方面,我们也做了计划。简单来说,项目方入住时,需要质押 POT ,同时,根据用户对该 DAPP 的参与度,项目方也能得到一定的回报。这样一来,就形成一个良好的生态循环:项目方为了吸引用户而提供高质量的服务,用户也能在这种良性竞争下获得更好的体验。




X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:作为一个虚拟世界,提高用户的沉浸程度是我们设计的重中之重。我们的第一个方法,是用户可以 0 门槛进入元宇宙,只需 1 步就可参与游戏,让用户无压力地体验。

第二个方法既是 POT 激励,用户在元宇宙游玩途中,可以根据各个 DAPP 的不同规则,对元宇宙进行深度体验。当达成一定目标后,即可获得 POT 奖励。

第三个则是社交系统。X 元宇宙将不断完善用户的社交系统,例如聊天室优化和形象专属 NFT 。每个用户都可以在元宇宙内构建属于自己的小生态圈、平行宇宙。


小琬:从刚才的对话中,我们了解到 X Protocol 已经部署了一些功能,那还有其他阶段性的规划能跟大家分享一下吗?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:前几天我们在 DuckDAO、FLY、Dao starter 三个平台举办的 IDO 受到社区的热烈关注。DuckDAO 有 484 席,收到了超过 1400 席的白名单成功注册,还不算过审之前的申请数量。


FLY 目标额度为 50000 U,收到了 398991 USDT,超募近 800%,Dao Stater 平台的200 席一分钟售罄。这个成绩还算不错,大家热情都很高涨。




  1. Does your project have potential, give a reason why I should choose your project, not for the short term, but for the long term?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:We will be working with more project parties to erect their products into the meta-universe. Also, NFT artists will continue to be on board and their NFTs will use the metaverse as a publishing platform. Our users will be able to experience the basic gameplay of other metaverse, but also get higher benefits from our leading ecology.


  1. And how do the project tokens capture value through the meta-universe?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:POT will circulate within the meta-universe as the only pass. Its value comes from the dapps and users of the meta-universe. Its value will not disappear as long as there is a constant flow of third and first party dapps.


  1. Which area are you focusing on at the moment? ( DeFi, Stake,Dapps.. ) and what is your goals in this year ?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:Our first Dapp X Predict Market is now live in the meta-universe, and the meta-universe has recently been officially opened. You can enter the metaverse to participate in the test campaign and get the rewards.


  1. In most projects, user experience is a very important issue. Especially for new users, what efforts have you made?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:New users can enter the metaverse without any cost. You can also participate in the metaverse open events. Follow us on Twitter to track the latest progress. As long as you stay in the metaverse, you can get airdrops.


  1. What’s your motivation in making POT Token, and what we will see in future? How can token holders benefit with POT tokens?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:Pot will be closely connected with the meta universe, and the value of the meta universe lies in its ecology. At present, the number of partners of metauniverse is gradually increasing. In the later stage, after the technical problems are solved, the ecological project party DAPP will go online. The value of pot can be imagined.


  1. One of the core issues of NFT is IP, which is very important in creative industries. How does X Protocol cooperate with IP owners? What are the benefits of cooperation for IP owners?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:We have also signed several NFT artists who will create NFTs for the metaverse and send them out in the metaverse. On the other hand, active participation in the metaverse will also give you a chance to win original NFTs that we drop!


  1. As an ordinary user, how can we participate in this project? And how can we do it to benefit the most?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:There is no requirement to enter the metaverse. However, if you hold a POT, you can use the various Dapps and get more rewards according to their rules. Of course, there is also a chance to get unconditional airdrops for your own experience within the metaverse.


  1. X Metaverse Airdrop.Airdrop has seen a negative impact on investors. Token prices are often dumped due to airdrop.Because everyone gets tokens from Airdrop and they sell tokens and the price goes down.After that, investors also sell tokens.What's your opinion about this?How do you solve this problem?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:We give more value to the metaverse and POT by continuously developing the ecology. It's value is in using, not selling.


  1. What is your global expansion plan? At present, which market does X Protocol focus on, or is it focused on establishing and developing to win customers, users and partners?


X Protocol CMO Jessie Chua:As a community driven community, X Protocol aims to build a diversified and globalized community, we have built communities for different language speaking users. And all information will be translated and synchronized in different channels, making more users learn about X Protocol in a convenient way.


In the future, X Metaverse will have AMA, Airdrop building as well as Assembly hall, all of these functions are programmed on-chain so that it is not limited to regulations and permits made by specific authority. The governance is determined by community voting, which demonstrates the spirit of DAO.

「琬点聊」是 Blocklike 推出的 AMA 直播活动, 定期邀请热门交易所、最具潜力项目方、热点话题的相关创始人及 KOL 做客直播间,先后邀请到币安联合创始人兼 CMO 何一、波场创始人孙宇晨、BitMax 联合创始人兼 CEO 曹晶、宝二爷郭宏才等 30 多位重量级嘉宾。未来每周我们都紧跟市场关注焦点,为用户持续分享行业内最前沿资讯和热门赛道动态。
